
No More Silos


Pull data from other parts of SecureDB, embed documents from 3rd-parties and more into your meetings so everyone stays on the same page and remove all that siloed information.

With Embedded Items, the sky is the limit. Well, it’s limited only by what you’re embedding will let you do. Let’s go over a few examples.

How to Embed Items in a Meeting

In any “My Meetings” table, you should see a little gear icon for meeting settings. Click the gear to open meeting settings and scroll down to “Agenda Settings” where you can toggle each embed type on or off. Once toggled-on, you’ll see it added to the “Agenda Preview” on the right. Give it a name for the Agenda and enter any information it asks for, such as the embed URL. You can also assign how much of the total meeting time you’d like to allocate to it.

What Can I Embed?

There are all sorts of things and ways to embed things in your meeting, but it’s important to understand that these are “embedded” from 3rd parties. These 3rd parties may have a certain way they will allow things to be embedded. That might be for security, privacy, or intellectual property reasons. Let’s walk through a few common examples.

Click one of these links for details on how to embed that kind of document.