The Culture & Capacity Assessment Tool

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Next Level Nonprofit has developed a simple tool called the Culture & Capacity Assessment. This tool is distinct from our annual review process and can more accurately be viewed as a lens through which our Coaches are consistently evaluating the performance of their Direct Supports.

We recommend you regularly review each team member with this tool, rating their performance “green” for demonstrating that element of culture or capacity fit most of the time, “yellow” for some of the time, and “red” for usually not.

Interacting with the Culture and Capacity Assessment

Simply click each box in the matrix to cycle through Green, Yellow, and Red scores. The final cell in each row is a mathematical average of the columns before it displayed as one of those three colors.

The rows each represent someone that you support. So the list depends on the people that have you listed as their Direct Support in their Employee Profile.

Right People; Right Seat

The right people in your organization are passionate about your organization’s culture and exemplify your culture in their actions and attitudes. An employee who is our of alignment with your organization culture can bring confusion, negativity, and unproductive outcomes to your entire organization. Therefore, you should hire, fire, recognize, and reward based on employees’ alignment with your organization culture.

If you determine that a team member is a culture fit, then you likely have the right person in your organization. However, it is possible for the right person to be in the wrong seat because of capacity challenges.

Editing Core Values and Vision

The core values that define your culture and the criteria that contribute to capacity fix, so your staff are evaluated on a matrix with one box for each of these areas of fitness. These are organization-wide and managed via Company Settings.