Meeting Wrap-Up

How’d the Meeting Go?

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At the end of the each SecureDB meeting, you will see the Wrap Up section. Here, you can ask attendees what they would rate the meeting, on a scale from 1-10 (with decimals allowed) and type the ratings in the respective boxes. An average meeting rating is between a 7 and an 8. These ratings don’t “hurt” anyone; they just help us all make our meetings more efficient and productive every time by allowing attendees to give their feedback on the overall meeting process.

At the bottom of the Wrap-Up, click the button that says Send Recap. If you were the one primarily running the meeting, select yourself as the Meeting Facilitator and click Send Recap. A meeting summary email will be sent to all attendees highlighting the important events that took place during the meeting, and this same summary will be stored in the “Recaps” tab.

Archived Meeting Recap

Recaps from previous meetings can be accessed at any time from the Recaps tab in the meeting preview.

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