Meeting Settings

Make Meetings Your Own

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If your user role has the “Global Projects Settings” permission toggled “on,” you will see a link inside the Administration dropdown for Meeting Settings. There, you can customize and set defaults for everyone using projects, meetings, and tasks. Let’s walk through what all is included in Meeting Settings.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These are global settings for your organization. Any changes made here will be seen by all employees in your organization with access to Projects/Meetings.

General Settings

There are just three top-level general meeting and project settings.

The first is the Default Meeting Time, in minutes. When creating a new meeting, this value will be the default. Meeting Creators can change the meeting length individually. This value simply sets its default.

The Default Project List option sets the global default status filter for the Project listing view. For example, if your organization has lots of projects and each project has a short timeframe, you may want to default this list globally to “in progress” so completed projects are hidden by default. On the project listing page, individuals can still change that filter from the default you’ve set here.

Naming Conventions

Your organization may prefer to call “Tasks,” “To-Dos.” You don’t have to use OUR terminology. You can use your own by editing Etho “Naming Conventions” from Project Settings.

On the left, is the default name. Next to that is an input field for the singular of that word. Next to that one, is the plural of that word.

At the bottom, you’ll see a textarea input for “Meeting Types.” Enter all the options you would like (on per line) and you’ll see those options appear when creating or editing meetings in the “Meeting Type” option list.

Once you’re happy with everything, click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

Setup Initiatives

In SecureDB, Initiatives can be selected when creating or editing projects. So, you can think of Initiatives as the BIG goal a group of projects are all working towards. For example, an initiative might be “Decrease Attrition by 20%.” You would want to set a timeframe for that lofty goal like, “by the next board meeting.” Then, your organization can create projects and select that initiative so you can see all the projects (and the tasks inside each of those projects) that are all working towards that big initiative.

Think of “Initiatives” as the BIG goal a group of projects are all working towards…

From Meeting Settings, click the Initiatives tab. For each Initiative, give it a name, a start date, and an end date (since the application doesn’t know when your next board meeting is or what a reasonable timeframe for that big goal might be).

Remove Initiative rows by clicking the “x” on the right of that row. Click the “+ Add Initiative” button to add a new row.

Once you’re all done, click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

These initiatives will be shown in the Visualize Gantt chart, as well as in the Project Reports top-level drilldown chart. They are selected when creating or editing a project.

Manage Segue Questions

The Segue is an important part of any SecureDB meeting. It’s the moment when attendees transition from working “in the business” to working “on the business.” There is a default list of Segue questions to help you make that transition already loaded. If you’d like to write your own, delete the defaults, or edit them, you can do so from the Segue tab of Meeting Settings.

Edit any of the defaults in each input row. Click the “x” to the right to remove one. To add a new row, click the + Add Question button after the last question in the list.

Once you’re thrilled with your bank of genius Segue Questions, click the Save Changes button at the bottom.

Header Photo by Paola Aguilar on Unsplash