Project Status “Feelings”

How Do You Feel About the Math?

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SecureDB already has an on/off-track status for projects that is mathematical, however many organizations have reported users don’t “feel” the same about the project as the math says. This is in large part because tasks aren’t always spread evenly throughout the project timeframe, because let’s face it, not everyone is a trained Project Manager. 

To remedy this difference, we have developed a way to manually report how ‘confident’ users feel about the project’s status. This status can then be reported within meetings to keep all parties up to date on how the project owner ‘feels’ about the progress, based on information that is not always tracked within the mathematical project timeline.

In the example below we can see Michaels Scott’s Project Management Meeting has three Projects in it.

  • Warehouse Re-Organization
  • Rewrite Warehouse Policies and Procedures
  • New Location Primed

Within the meeting the intention is to review Projects by clicking on them to see their current status, based on the overall timeline and the tasks that have been added to the project and their overall timeline of completion.

When we click on the Warehouse Re-Organization project the Project Status screen. We can see that the mathematical project status shows the project as being 63% Complete and running Off-Track 

Michael may disagree with the math of the project and let the team know how he “feels” about the true status of the overall project by clicking the  “Progress” dropdown in the top right of the Project Status display.   The dropdown offers 3 “Feelings’ to choose from:

  • Proceeding as Planned  — This is a  confident “feel” the project is moving along and will be complete on time.
  • Making Progress –   This is a neutral “feel”.  Michael is comfortable it is making progress but not certain whether it will complete as scheduled or fall-behind.
  • Falling Behind – This is a clear lack of confidence the project will be complete on time. – no matter what the current mathematical status is saying.

In this image we can see Michael has updated his feel, for each of his three projects for this meeting.  

Below is a closeup view of the, Rewrite Warehouse Policies and Procedures, project.

The math says the project is On-Track and 25% complete. Michael has indicated he “feels” the project is “Falling Behind”. He may know that some of his Team are out unexpectedly or have been re-allocated to other projects, and this information is not reflected in the project itself just yet.

Now let’s look at the, New Location Primed, project.

The math shows this project is Off-Track and 50% complete.  Michael ‘feels’ this project is still proceeding as planned and will meet the current project deadline although the math shows the project off track.