Completing Performance Reviews

A Step By Step Guide

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  7. Completing Performance Reviews

Reviews, at whatever frequency you’ve set in Company Setup (Annually, Semi-Annually, or Quarterly) are a way to measure employee engagement and alignment.  Some of these questions check employee alignment with your organization’s vision.  Others are role-specific, pulled from the specific employee’s role.   

Here’s a step-by-step guide for conducting your first performance review. There are a lot more ways this SecureDB feature can be used. You’ll find all the details in the Reviews section.

1. Select People then Review from the left Menu

2. Performance Tab

Select The employee you would like to Review and Select the Period for the Review.

Here, on the left side you can view their Quarterly Performance Objective Trends based on their Objective Score and Role Average. The right side trend chart shows all current objectives and their scoring trend. This chart plots the date each time the score was updated.

Previous reviews for the user are archived below the Trend Chart and can be reviewed before conducting the user’s new review.

NOTE:   At each step through the review process, you have the option to “Save Progress” so you can save where you are and pick it back up later.

When you are ready to move forward with the review select Next to move to the Behaviors tab.

3.  Score your employees in behavior

behavior Tab – Here you can view their PI documents (if selected in the user’s profile) as well as score their Role behavior.

Note: If the employee you are reviewing has previous reviews you can view the comments from all previous reviews for this user. Just below the Notes field for each Skill/Value/Behavior and alignment you can click the dropdown for Prior Notes. This displays the Year, Quarter, Score and Notes from each previous review.

4. Score your employees in Values

Values Tab – These are the questions set in your organization’s setup to ensure employees are aligned with organization’s Values.  The company Values are pulled directly from Company Setup and are the same throughout an organization.

When finished scoring Values, select Next to move to the Skills tab

5. Score your employees in Skills

Skills Tab. Here you will find questions based on the employee’s role; Use this to coach an employee on the Skills needed to excel in their role Select “Next” to go to the; Alignment tab.   

6. Score your employees in Alignment

Alignment Tab – Here you will find questions based on the employee’s role; Use this to coach an employee on the skills needed to excel in their role.

When finished scoring your employee in Alignment, select Next to move to the Actions tab.

7. Document Post Review Actions

Actions Tab –  On the Actions tab, management can set action items, which are key; items for the user to focus on through the next period. There is also a box where management can enter; their coaching plan, documenting what was discussed and suggestions for how the employee can improve over the next period.

You may also attach any files you like to further document your Coaching/Action plans for the employee, just click Browse to attach your files.

The “Add Performance Plan” button will show a performance improvement plan section for serious conversations and coaching items, such as write-ups, and allows for signed documentation to be attached, if required. 

8. Complete Review

Once you are done, click the green Complete Review button at the bottom of the last tab to save and submit the review.

WARNING: Once that review has been “completed” it can NOT be re-edited.

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