Differences between a Challenge and a Task

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In Performance Scoring, Challenges and Tasks look very similar, but their intent is very different. Let’s discuss the differences and how these work together.

What’s a “Challenge & Solution”?

Challenge & Solutions, or whatever your organization has named them in Settings, are topics to be discussed during meetings. They are not, by default, assigned to anyone in particular and they do not have set start/due dates. These are topics which need discussion. They can be added from inside a meeting or by clicking the “+” sign next to the meeting in “My Meetings.”

They still have a status associated with them, like tasks. They can be something you haven’t started discussing. They could also be something you’re actively discussing (in progress), or something you’ve already solved (completed).

How is that Different from “Tasks”?

Tasks, unlike Challenges, have a specific person responsible for them. They have discrete start and due dates associated with them. They appear in the Project Report as well as in Visualize (the Gantt chart). They can be associated with Projects or Meetings, or both. There are also some advanced settings associated with these.

Why Make Them Different?

The idea here is for an “idea” or for an “issue” to come up during the week and a meeting attendee could add that as a topic for discussion as soon as it crosses their mind. Then, during that meeting, the team could ideate around it. Once a solution has been found, that “problem” could now have a “solution,” and we’ll convert that Challenge into a Task, assign the responsible party, and then set start and end dates should there be anything that’s dependent on its completion.

In this way, your meeting may have started with a problem brought to the team’s attention, but it ended with an actionable, trackable, accountable solution.