Data Security

How Secure is your data?

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Performance Scoring is a “progressive web app,” which means it runs in your browser as either a web application or as a “web app” if configured on your mobile device that way. There is no client-side software to install nor to maintain. Updates and upgrades and handled by us and deployed to the production environment seamlessly.

It is hosted on Amazon Web Services’ elastic cloud computing with multiple redundant instances behind a load balancer. There are numerous security measures in place including intrusion detection, threat scanning, firewalls, and air-gapped backups. Data is encrypted and stored in redundant, secure, discrete mySQL databases with hourly off-site backups.

All information to and from the application through a browser is TLS encrypted in transit. The core of the application runs on the Laravel PHP framework and is 100% custom-written by our in-house team of developers. Their internal IT teams can manage employee access to the application by using Single-Sign-On. We support both Google and Microsoft SSO.

For SOC 2 Compliance, we also offer Two-Factor Authentication via email or SMS.